Results for 'Lara Denise Góes da Costa'

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  1.  18
    O sacrifício do corpo: Categorias de conhecimento sobre o cabelo crespo que transitam entre o Brasil e Moçambique.Denise Ferreira Da Costa Cruz - 2018 - Odeere 3 (6):340.
    O presente artigo e uma reflexão sobre as categorias que são acionadas por mulheres negras e mestiças no Brasil e em Moçambique para qualificarem seus corpos, mais especificamente seus cabelos. Palavras-chave: Corpo.; Brasil; Moçambique.
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  2. A formal framework for the study of the notion of undefined particle number in quantum mechanics.Newton C. A. da Costa & Federico Holik - 2015 - Synthese 192 (2):505-523.
    It is usually stated that quantum mechanics presents problems with the identity of particles, the most radical position—supported by E. Schrödinger—asserting that elementary particles are not individuals. But the subject goes deeper, and it is even possible to obtain states with an undefined particle number. In this work we present a set theoretical framework for the description of undefined particle number states in quantum mechanics which provides a precise logical meaning for this notion. This construction goes in the line of (...)
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  3. Os impactos do Pibid nas licenciaturas e na educação básica // The impacts of Pibid in licensure and in Basic Education.Adair Neitzel, Valéria Ferreira & Denise Costa - 2013 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 18 (s):98-121.
    Este artigo discute os impactos do PIBID UNIVALI – Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência – na Educação Básica. O PIBID é uma política pública brasileira de valorização do magistério implementada pela CAPES, a partir de 2007. A pesquisa seguiu a abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa e a coleta de dados deu-se a partir da pesquisa documental. Os dados apresentados revelam que uma política pública bem articulada pode promover a parceria entre a Educação Superior e a Educação Básica, voltadas (...)
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    The Association Between Eating-Compensatory Behaviors and Affective Temperament in a Brazilian Population.Sabrina Chapuis-de-Andrade, Carmen Moret-Tatay, Dalton Breno Costa, Francielle Abreu da Silva, Tatiana Quarti Irigaray & Diogo R. Lara - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    De Rerum Natura: A origem da linguagem e da civilização no Livro 5, v.925-1240, de Lucrécio.Raquel Goes Casini - 2021 - Páginas de Filosofía 10 (1):5-32.
    O presente artigo foi desenvolvido durante a pesquisa de Iniciação Científica realizada na Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo com o apoio do CNPq. A pesquisa teve como objetivo o estudo e a análise dos versos 925-1240 do Livro 5 da obra De Rerum Natura de Tito Lucrécio Caro. Tal recorte apresenta principalmente a origem da linguagem e da civilização. Para o desenvolvimento desse artigo, com base na frequência do curso Lingua e Letteratura Latina (...)
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  6. On the theory of inconsistent formal systems.Newton C. A. da Costa - 1974 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 15 (4):497-510.
  7. Science and Partial Truth: A Unitary Approach to Models and Scientific Reasoning.Newton C. A. Da Costa & Steven French - 2003 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    Da Costa and French explore the consequences of adopting a 'pragmatic' notion of truth in the philosophy of science. Their framework sheds new light on issues to do with belief, theory acceptance, and the realism-antirealism debate, as well as the nature of scientific models and their heuristic development.
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    (1 other version)A semantical analysis of the calculi Cn.Newton C. A. da Costa - 1977 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 18:621.
  9. An Intensional Schrödinger Logic.Newton C. A. da Costa & Décio Krause - 1997 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 38 (2):179-194.
    We investigate the higher-order modal logic , which is a variant of the system presented in our previous work. A semantics for that system, founded on the theory of quasi sets, is outlined. We show how such a semantics, motivated by the very intuitive base of Schrödinger logics, provides an alternative way to formalize some intensional concepts and features which have been used in recent discussions on the logical foundations of quantum mechanics; for example, that some terms like 'electron' have (...)
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  10. The Logic of Pragmatic Truth.Newton C. A. Da Costa, Otávio Bueno & Steven French - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 27 (6):603-620.
    The mathematical concept of pragmatic truth, first introduced in Mikenberg, da Costa and Chuaqui (1986), has received in the last few years several applications in logic and the philosophy of science. In this paper, we study the logic of pragmatic truth, and show that there are important connections between this logic, modal logic and, in particular, Jaskowski's discussive logic. In order to do so, two systems are put forward so that the notions of pragmatic validity and pragmatic truth can (...)
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  11. Professor Newton CA da Costa awarded Nicholas Copernicus University medal of merit.Newton C. A. da Costa, Jean-Yves Béziau & Otávio Bueno - 1999 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 7:7-10.
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    O desafio da igualdade de género à luz da herança e das contradições de Rousseau.Marta Nunes da Costa - 2019 - Doispontos 16 (1).
    Rousseau é reconhecido como um dos grandes filósofos da nossa tradição ocidental, sobretudo pelo impacto que os seus ideais tiveram na definição da ideologia moderna de viés republicano e até mesmo liberal. Porém, apesar da defesa incansável daqueles que viriam a ser os ideais revolucionários franceses, Rousseau insiste em manter uma prática de desigualdade naturalizada, considerando as mulheres como inferiores e eternas desiguais dos homens. Mary Wollstonecraft foi a primeira a fazer a denúncia da contradição do pensamento de Rousseau, na (...)
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  13. G. Marcel: A dimensão metafísca da Esperança.M. Barbosa da Costa Freitas - 1989 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 45 (4):531-548.
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  14. Gottfried Köthe. Sobre a não contradição da matemática. Gazeta de matemdtica, vol. 15 no. 58 , pp. 1–5.N. C. A. da Costa - 1975 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 40 (2):241.
  15.  34
    O Sentido da Nova Logica.N. C. A. da Costa & W. O. Quine - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (2):688.
  16.  9
    Democracia e estado social em Tocqueville.Robson Francisco da Costa - 2019 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 17 (2).
    Esta pesquisa pretende investigar sobretudo a relação entre Sociedade e Estado. A sociedade sob a perspectiva de Tocqueville enquanto corpo coletivo democrático, ou igual. A igualdade é entendida pelo autor como um “fato social”. Tocqueville chama de estado social de igualdade de condições a conjuntura política organizacional do povo americano por ele encontrado à época de sua visita aos EUA. Já o Estado, visto pelo autor como resultado das condições da sociedade, sendo este, instituição arquitetada dentro de parâmetros democráticos de (...)
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    Os Julgamentos de Nuremberg e Eichmann Em Jerusalém.Anna Carolina Santos da Costa - 2025 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 15 (30):57-76.
    Hannah Arendt's political philosophy, focused on her works "The Human Condition", "Origins of Totalitarianism" and "Eichmann in Jerusalem", provides a theoretical framework for understanding the shattering and reconstruction of the public sphere in the face of the totalitarian experiences of the 20th century. The aim of this research is to present a legal-philosophical analysis of the trials of the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg and Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem, revealing Arendt's perceptions of the public sphere as a space of plurality, (...)
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    O pensamento filosófico português contemporâneo: a receção de Kant em Leonardo Coimbra.António Martins da Costa - 2012 - Porto: Universidade Católica Editora.
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    A model theoretic approach to 'natural' reasoning.Newton C. A. da Costa & Steven French - 1993 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 7 (2):177-190.
    Abstract A general framework is proposed for accommodating the recent results of studies into ?natural? decision making. A crucial element of this framework is the notion of a ?partial structure?, recently introduced into the semantic approach to scientific theories. It is through the introduction of this element that connections can be made with certain problems regarding inconsistency and rationality in general.
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  20. The Paraconsistent Logic of Quantum Superpositions.Newton C. A. da Costa & Christian de Ronde - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (7):845-858.
    Physical superpositions exist both in classical and in quantum physics. However, what is exactly meant by ‘superposition’ in each case is extremely different. In this paper we discuss some of the multiple interpretations which exist in the literature regarding superpositions in quantum mechanics. We argue that all these interpretations have something in common: they all attempt to avoid ‘contradiction’. We argue in this paper, in favor of the importance of developing a new interpretation of superpositions which takes into account contradiction, (...)
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  21.  26
    A historicização da herança geracional segundo a teoria freudiana: um imperativo para os estudos psicanalíticos feministas.Virginia Helena Ferreira da Costa - 2021 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 33 (58).
    Procuramos expor o pluralismo de leituras da obra freudiana mediante a exploração da hipótese de historicização da formação psíquica dos sujeitos, especialmente relativa ao complexo de Édipo e Supereu. Partindo da perspectiva de estudos feministas, verificamos no corpus teórico freudiano se há a possibilidade de que o avanço sócio-histórico seja um fator de modificação de concepções que, na leitura freudiana clássica, seriam lidas como imutáveis, fixas e rígidas cultural e historicamente. Madelon Sprengnether, Nancy Chodorow e Judith Butler serão retomadas para (...)
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    The Philosophical Writing and the Drama of Knowledge in Plato.Gilmário Guerreiro da Costa - 2015 - In Gabriele Cornelli (ed.), Plato's Styles and Characters: Between Literature and Philosophy. De Gruyter. pp. 137-156.
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    Quasi-Truth, Supervaluations and Free Logic.Newton C. A. Da Costa & Otavio Bueno - 1999 - History and Philosophy of Logic 20 (3-4):215-226.
    The partial structures approach has two major components: a broad notion of structure (partial structure) and a weak notion of truth (quasi-truth). In this paper, we discuss the relationship between this approach and free logic. We also compare the model-theoretic analysis supplied by partial structures with the method of supervaluations, which was initially introduced as a technique to provide a semantic analysis of free logic. We then combine the three formal frameworks (partial structures, free logic and supervaluations), and apply the (...)
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    $\alpha$-models and the systems $T$ and $T^\ast$.Newton C. A. da Costa - 1974 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 15 (3):443-454.
  25.  48
    Nietzsche and Cosmology: A Possible Way of Enriching the Practice of Science.Wigson Rafael Silva da Costa & Antonio Augusto Passos Videira - 2023 - Perspectives on Science 31 (4):503-533.
    In this paper we will present the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche’s main reflections on the scientific enterprise, its relation to the metaphysical tradition, and how the German author drew on the nineteenth century cosmological discussion to develop a worldview that ultimately endorses a dynamic and more creative form of science, whose representations and values should not be separated from human interests.
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    Un outil d’évaluation des compétences cognitives des jeunes polyhandicapés : le P2CJP.Maria Pereira Da Costa & Régine Scelles - 2012 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 6 (2):110-123.
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    Logic and Ontology.Newton C. A. da Costa - 2002 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 6 (2):179–298.
    In view of the present state of development of non classical logic, especially of paraconsistent logic, a new stand regarding the relations between logic and ontology is defended In a parody of a dictum of Quine, my stand May be summarized as follows. To be is to be the value of a variable a specific language with a given underlying logic Yet my stand differs from Quine’s, because, among other reasons, I accept some first order heterodox logics as genuine alternatives (...)
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    Introdução à problemática da fundamentação ético-política na era da ciência segundo a filosofia pragmático-transcendental de Karl-oito Apel.Regenaldo Rodrigues Da Costa - 1999 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 44 (2):401-415.
    A situação atual do ser humano é deuma crise global na qual as ameaças de guerranuclear, de desastre ecológico e de colapsoeconômico apontam para o extermínio da biosferahumana. A racionalidade técnico-cientifica tornoupossível esta situação de crise, entretanto, elaprópria torna impossível a fundamentação racionalde uma ética que nos leve, em face do perigocomum, a assumir coletivamente a responsabilidade.Apel, porém, contesta a racionalidadetécnico-científica e defende a fundamentaçãoracional, intersubjetiva, de uma necessária orientaçãoético-politica capaz de lidar com os grandesdesafios que põem em risco a (...)
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    Discutindo a Origem Evolutiva da Solidariedade Humana.Otávio Barduzzi Rodrigues da Costa - 2009 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 1 (1):150-170.
    Este artigo busca refletir sobre condições iniciais da sociedade pré- humana explicando como dois fenômenos biológicos – adaptativos, a bipedalização e neotenia, ajudaram a emergir no homem características próprias humanas tais como a solidariedade. Procura também lançar critica se a Teoria da Evolução pode ou não explicar comportamentos humanos complexos.
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  30. Julho-agosto setembro-outubro ano XV—n. 4—vol. 19 sumário ruy Afonso da Costa Nunes.Ruy Afonso da Costa Nunes - 1977 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 20:105.
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    Quantum Mechanics: Ontology Without Individuals.Newton da Costa & Olimpia Lombardi - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (12):1246-1257.
    The purpose of the present paper is to consider the traditional interpretive problems of quantum mechanics from the viewpoint of a modal ontology of properties. In particular, we will try to delineate a quantum ontology that (i) is modal, because describes the structure of the realm of possibility, and (ii) lacks the ontological category of individual. The final goal is to supply an adequate account of quantum non-individuality on the basis of this ontology.
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  32. Acompanhamento e promoção do desenvolvimento na Educação Infantil: algumas contribuições da Psicologia Escolar.Adinete Sousa da Costa Mezzalira & Raquel Souza Lobo Guzzo - 2011 - Revista Aletheia 35:22-35.
    Essa pesquisa investigou os fatores que estariam interferindo no acompanhamento e na promoção do desenvolvimento das crianças em uma instituição pública de Educação Infantil, bem como avaliou a opinião das educadoras acerca de uma proposta de acompanhamento do desenvolvimento infantil. A pesquisa ad..
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    Mito e história no “romance épico” Simá de Lourenço da Silva Araújo e Amazonas.Daniel Padilha Pacheco Da Costa - 2019 - Dialogos 23 (2):101.
    Este estudo propõe caracterizar Simá: romance histórico do Alto Amazonas, de Lourenço da Silva Araújo e Amazonas, como um “romance épico”, entendido como uma variante de romance histórico distinta da escola hegemônica representada por José Alencar. Esse romance, cujos modelos literários são a Ilíada e a Eneida, elege o rapto da mameluca Simá, chamada de “Helena do Rio Negro”, como a causa imediata da Rebelião de Lamalonga. O romance narra, no plano histórico, o massacre da nação indígena dos Manau pela (...)
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    A “sociologização” da psicanálise em Dialética do Esclarecimento: sobre Sohn-Rethel e o inquietante.Virginia Helena Ferreira da Costa - 2016 - Doispontos 13 (3).
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    Ethical potentialities on physical education as a vehicle for ethical education through sports.Luísa Ávila da Costa, Michael McNamee & Teresa Lacerda - 2016 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 18:29-48.
    Sports occupy an interesting ethical space from a pedagogic point of view, being included in physical education curricula in most Western countries. The approach of physical education to sports as vehicle for ethical education is too limited when it is restricted to their minimal functional, constitutive and regulatory goals. This essay’s aim is to argue the extent to which the ethical potential of physical education can embrace more than functional purposes, or whether that will be neglected in terms of limited (...)
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    From hero to antihero and his glory.Lorena Lopes da Costa - 2020 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 30:03002-03002.
    In 1919, the same year that Jean Giraudoux made his “Adieu à la guerre” [“Farewell to the war”], he wrote “Les morts d'Elpénor” [“The deaths of Elpenor”]. In 1926, alongside three other stories, this text would integrate the book _Elpénor _[_Elpenor_], determining this collection of four texts written for eighteen years, the first being “Cyclope” [“Cyclops”], written in 1908; the second “Sirènes” [“Sirens”], in 1912; the third already mentioned in 1919; and the last in 1926, “Les nouvelles morts d'Elpénor” [“The (...)
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    On Suppes' Set Theoretical Predicates.Newton C. A. da Costa & Rolando Chuaqui - 1988 - Erkenntnis 29 (1):95-112.
  38.  30
    As contradições do mundo e a unidade do discurso: filosofia e retórica em Antônio Vieira.Admar Almeida da Costa - 2018 - Educação E Filosofia 32 (65).
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    Belief and Contradiction.Newton C. A. da Costa & Steven French - 1988 - Critica 20 (60):3-11.
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    The making of extraordinary facts: authentication of singularities of nature at the Royal Society of London in the first half of the eighteenth century.Palmira Fontes da Costa - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 33 (2):265-288.
    This paper is concerned with the particular problems raised by observations of phenomena outside the common course of nature for their validation as knowledge. It examines to what extent the content of the reports and, in particular, their lack of intrinsic plausibility affected the methods used in their authentication and the assessment of testimony at the Royal Society in the first half of the eighteenth century. I show that literary strategies were usually necessary but not sufficient for the validation of (...)
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    The medical understanding of monstrous births at the Royal Society of London during the first half of the eighteenth century.Palmira Fontes da Costa - 2004 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 26 (2):157-175.
    The fact that monstrous births were not represented in independent learned publications of the eighteenth century, except for the case of hermaphrodites, does not mean that the interest in them had disappeared or that they were no more considered proper objects of inquiry. This paper focuses on the medical understanding of monstrosity at the Royal Society of London. I point to the use of monstrous births in strengthening the authority of medical practitioners and lecturers. I also show some of their (...)
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    Logical and Philosophical Remarks on Quasi-Set Theory.Newton Da Costa - 2007 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 15 (5-6):421-431.
    Quasi-set theory is a theory for dealing with collections of indistinguishable objects. In this paper we discuss some logical and philosophical questions involved with such a theory. The analysis of these questions enable us to provide the first grounds of a possible new view of physical reality, founded on an ontology of non-individuals, to which quasi-set theory may constitute the logical basis.
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    Pragmatic Probability.Newton C. A. Da Costa - 1986 - Erkenntnis 25 (2):141 - 162.
  44.  18
    Seven Principles for Seven Generations: Moral Boundaries for Transformational Change.Nuno Guimaraes Da Costa, Gerard Farias, David Wasieleski & Anthony Annett - 2021 - Humanistic Management Journal 6 (3):313-328.
    This paper seeks to provide an approach for achieving a more socially and environmentally sustainable life by reframing the rules of engagement with the planet and with each other by setting minimum standards on essential criteria i.e., by defining “off-limits”zones for corporate action. For a more humanistic and socially just way of living life that would sustain the planet, a set of moral boundaries that cannot be breached are conceived. We offer a set of possible normative leverage points that must (...)
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  45. As diferentes manifestações da juventude na escola: uma visão dos impassses e das perspectivas.Mariane Brito da Costa - 2010 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 15 (1):93-105.
    Este artigo dialoga com autores que estudam a temática juventude e escola, problematizando a função da escola como locus de socialização. Parte do pressuposto de que muitos problemas enfrentados pelos jovens na escola é resultado de uma realidade em que as culturas juvenis, caracterizadas por determinadas formas de comportamento, como, gostos, atitudes, estilo de vida, forma de ser, vestir, dançar, falar, se divertir e se relacionar não podem se fazer presentes. Em virtude disso, analisa a desarticulação da escola com as (...)
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  46. Self-Reported Body Awareness: Validation of the Postural Awareness Scale and the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (Version 2) in a Non-clinical Adult French-Speaking Sample.Lucie Da Costa Silva, Célia Belrose, Marion Trousselard, Blake Rea, Elaine Seery, Constance Verdonk, Anaïs M. Duffaud & Charles Verdonk - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Body awareness refers to the individual ability to process signals originating from within the body, which provide a mapping of the body’s internal landscape and its relation with space and movement. The present study aims to evaluate psychometric properties and validate in French two self-report measures of body awareness: the Postural Awareness Scale, and the last version of the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness questionnaire. We collected data in a non-clinical, adult sample using online survey, and a subset of the (...)
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    Is there a zande logic?Newton C. A. Da Costa, Otávio Bueno & Steven French - 1998 - History and Philosophy of Logic 19 (1):41-54.
    The issue of what consequences to draw from the existence of non-classical logical systems has been the subject of an interesting debate across a diversity of fields. In this paper the matter of alternative logics is considered with reference to a specific belief system and its propositions :the Azande are said to maintain beliefs about witchcraft which, when expressed propositionally, appear to be inconsistent. When the Azande have been presented with such inconsistencies, they either fail to see them as such (...)
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    A Educação a Partir Das Barbas de Marx.César Augusto Soares da Costa - 2013 - Praxis Filosófica 34:61-75.
    Este trabajo presenta una visión general al lector sobre el tema de la educación en el pensamiento de Karl Marx, basada en cuatro obras clásicas: Tesis sobre Feuerbach, el Manifiesto del Partido Comunista de los Trabajadores y de las Instituciones Crítica Asociación del Programa de Gotha de los cuales se considera el centro de a la comprensión de la educación en el contexto actual. Tomamos nota de que en Marx, el enfoque crítico de la educación en la sociedad capitalista contribuye (...)
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    Uma leitura da escravidão pela ótica dos desafios do antiescravismo (A reading of slavery from the perspective of the challenges of antislavery).Ênio José da Costa Brito - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (29):294-320.
    Ênio José da Costa Brito apresenta Uma leitura da escravidão pela ótica dos desafios do antiescravismo . Trata-se de minuciosa nota bibliográfica sobre a obra de Seymour Drescher: DRESCHER, Seymour. Abolição: Uma história da Escravidão e do Antiescravismo. São Paulo: Editora UNESP, 2011, 736p. ISBN 978-85-393-0184-3.
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  50. Non-reflexive Logical Foundation for Quantum Mechanics.Newton C. A. da Costa & Christian de Ronde - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (12):1369-1380.
    On the one hand, non-reflexive logics are logics in which the principle of identity does not hold in general. On the other hand, quantum mechanics has difficulties regarding the interpretation of ‘particles’ and their identity, also known in the literature as ‘the problem of indistinguishable particles’. In this article, we will argue that non-reflexive logics can be a useful tool to account for such quantum indistinguishability. In particular, we will provide a particular non-reflexive logic that can help us to analyze (...)
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